My First Coding Project!

from intimidated to successful

Types of Components

React/Redux has been an incredibly powerful tool in my journey to develop more advanced projects. One of its most essential features is its use of components. According to the official React documentation, “Components let you split the UI into independent, reusable pieces, and think about each piece in isolation”. This ability to create clear and concise separation of concerns has proven to be extremely useful in writing code that is easier to both read and debug.

local state

My progression in React/Redux has been going well. Redux’s ability to mange global state using a store has simplified a lot of my code with its ability to pass down state from parent to child components to be accessed as props. However, sometimes this method is overly complex and can actually complicate projects even further. In some situations I’ve found it more advantageous to use local state instead. The most common situation I’ve found myself using local state is with components responsible for rendering forms and accepting data through inputs. these components will often declare their initial local state as empty fields.

Rails/Redux Project Review

My final project with Flatiron has been submitted for review today. I am extremely excited to test my knowledge on React and Redux with a Flatiron instructor. its has been challenging for me to absorb the new concepts introduced in the last module, however Rails ability to separate concerns using components has been a great step foreword in my skillset as programmer. I will eagerly continue to prepare for my final project review, a pass on this final review will mean completion of the course and graduation from Flatiron bootcamp!

Javascript Project Complete!

I’ve just submitted my fourth flatiron project for instructor review. i feels great to have a working application ready for assessment. JavaScript has been a challenge to learn, specifically how it utilizes functions and deals with scope issues. Creating a rails backend without views was also unfamiliar to me. However, after seeing the power of JavaScript and its ability to manipulate the DOM i feel I’ve added a valuable tool to my coding abilities. I will continue to prepare for my project review and look forward to beginning the final chapter of my flatiron course!

Rails Project Review

Today i’ll be submitting my rails project for review. It seems to fulfil all the requirements and im eager to get it reviewed by a Flation coach. This project was a bit more difficult, specifically the Omniauth third party login. I found the study groups on flatiron to be extreamly useful in pointing me in the right direction to be able to get it working properly. i look foreward to the next section which deals with more front-end functionality as i feel my skills in that area could improve. i will continue to review the Rails section to ensure i am sufficiently prepared for my review.